Soft Sell Ltd

Skill: AI/ ML Developer
YOP: 2019 / 2020 / 2021
Percentage: As per the company standards
We are building a new real estate platform that can identify images of
houses & tag them appropriately.
This site will help real estate agents find buyers for the properties
they want to sell.
The platform should be able to correctly tag house images, identify
buyer intent & develop personalized matching algorithms, matching buyers
& properties to real estate agents
Write code, make fixes, test & release.
Work with identified AI platforms & train algorithms
Monitor AI results & tweak algorithms where necessary, to improve
matching results.
We are looking for 0.6 to 2 years of Experience in Computer vision &
matching algorithms.
The technology stack consists of AI algorithms like AWS Sage maker &
Microsoft Azure AI.
We require a minimum 4 year science degree (B.E/ B.Tech/ MCA /
M.Sc/ M.E/ M.Tech). Any technical certification is a plus.

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